Living with Hemorrhoids
You can find all the necessary information to understand Hemorrhoids, its global impact, its causes and consequences, and how to get Hemorrhoids under control.
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Find out more about Hemorrhoids Disease here!
This section has been designed to help you better understand your Hemorrhoids and its daily management.
This section has been designed to help you better understand your Hemorrhoids and its daily management.
Tips for living well with Hemorrhoids
What are hemorrhoids?
What are the main risk factors of hemorrhoids?
Which is more painful: internal or external hemorrhoids?
Can hemorrhoids be dangerous?
Do i need anal surgery if i have hemorrhoids?
Can I do sports with hemorrhoids?
What to use to wash hemorrhoids?
Are flavonoids good for hemorrhoids ?
Are piles and hemorrhoids the same thing?
Can hemorrhoids become chronic?
Is anal bleeding a sign of hemorrhoids?
Only the doctor can advise you regarding your diagnosis and treatment.
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Sheikh P, Lohsiriwat V, Shelygin Y. Micronized Purified Flavonoid Fraction in Hemorrhoid Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Adv Ther. 2020 Jun;37(6):2792-2812.
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Ray-Offor E, Amadi S. Hemorrhoidal disease: Predilection sites, pattern of presentation, and treatment. Ann Afr Med. 2019 Jan-Mar;18(1):12-16.